Could it be more than just pride in a city? Perhaps there is an element of romantic nostalgia as Vivienne alluded to? Maybe the psyche of human condition means most of us share an unyielding desire to establish a legacy. We can’t live forever, but achievement can. If we save Audrey or Electric City, perhaps we can control how we’re remembered? Will future generations preserve our creations like we did? We want those who come after us to caress the signpost that embodies our generational progression, even when we’ve stopped evolving and become an ode to a bygone era. Humans want to know all the work, blood, sweat and tears weren’t in vain. We weren’t lost to the hand of change.
The Skipping Girl is a display of preservation, of acknowledgement – a nod those who changed the way brands interact with consumers. They are iconic, not because they made their brands famous, quite the contrary, most of these businesses no longer exist. They are iconic because they represent the human spirit. These signs have transcended societal trends and technological advancements to secure cultural legacies that many strive for. They demand to be admired. They challenged the status quo and won, progressing many industries along the way. These signs give status to brands.
These brands achieve prestige because they carefully adapt their visual and verbal identity to tell their customers a unique story, then they commit themselves to that story over the years and decades ahead. Iconic branding takes time and consistency. The most iconic brand identities find a way to seep into every aspect of a user’s life – becoming embedded in their sense of culture.
It is important to have substance supporting appearance, beyond just the solution provided. Brands that have meaning in their work and moral values behind their actions. Behaviours take a special position in the mind and heart of audiences. Such brands and signs have a soul. This is why they represent something much more than the sum of their parts. True, innovative branding using cutting edge technologies, knowledge, patience and experience will always represent more than just a logo and colours.
Taking care of your signage and understanding how it connects to potential customers is the crux of what we do at SignManager. We are trusted to look after and update Australia’s oldest signs – keeping these icons timeless and future-proofed. We have managed some of Australia’s most iconic brands like Australia Post and Carlton & United Breweries for over 20 years. Get in contact with us if you have dreams of installing your company’s mold breaking sky sign, or if you’re managing a large site network let us make it easy with our national network of contractors and purpose-built, award winning systems. We will save you time, stress and money. Contact SignManager today.
Thank you to Iconic Fox and the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) for some of the content in this blog post.